

致力推廣花藝人生 愛花人士最佳的交流組織





         CHINESE FLOWER DESIGN ASSOCIATION-The largest and most remarkable association was established by Honor President Steve S. D. Lin in 1983, which has owned national excellent reward for several times. From time to time, 7 branches in Pingtung, Kaohsiung, Tainan, Hsinchu, Changhua, Taichung and Keelung has been established, the membership has more than 10,000 people, encouraging the development of flower design in Taiwan.

          Besides of occasionally flower show, exhibitions, seminar and competitions, CHINESE FLOWER DESIGN ASSOCIATION also dedicates in international flower design events, including invites master florist from Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, Estonia, America, Japan, Korea....... to come to demonstrate their floral masterpiece and new trend.

         In 2011, CHINESE FLOWER DESIGN ASSOCIATION was in charge of holding Intercontinental Cup Flower Design Competition along with Taipei Flower Expo, it appeals more than thousand international florist that joining this big events and sharing ideas.

          In order to promotes the information of flower design, CHINESE FLOWER DESIGN ASSOCIATION also publishes “Taiwan Floral Art Magazine”, which not only gives reports of international infor ation but expand the horizon of flower design to the membership.

CFD全省各分會 理事長 地  址 電  話
中華花藝設計協會總會 李明香 104台北市雙城街28巷1號1F 02-2592-6632
新竹市花藝設計協會 吳昌達 30353新竹縣湖口鄉新興路356號 03-5592531
臺中市花藝設計協會 吳維宏 406臺中市北屯區東山路一段380之18(東島蘭藝園.儷景景觀設計有限公司) 04-24379288
中華花藝設計協會- 台南市分會 李嘉偉 700台南市中西區樹林街二段212號一樓 06-21582688
中華花藝設計協會- 高雄市分會 林淑美 803高雄市鹽埕區建國四路182-1號 07-5519700
中華花藝設計協會- 屏東縣分會 翁錦雲 912屏東縣內埔鄉豐田村永田路7號 08-7792585